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Automated roll gate/sliding gate control

Product category
Power Electronics
Large motor driven roll or sliding gates for commercial building are heavy with a high mass to be accelerated or stopped. If you perform a DOL start of the motor you cause a very high inrush current too in the supply network and a huge mechanical stress for drive shaft and gearbox. In the case of stop, you also generate high stress for the mechanics, plus a lot of noise, especially for roll gates. Another topic arises with sliding gates, which sometimes generate blocking situation by snow, dirt and cobble stones in the sliding area.
Solution description
The TELE-HAASE soft-starter CHRISTIAN P-4.0 with soft start/soft stop prevents the mechanics from heavy stress and the mains supply from peak current because of a continuous ramped acceleration and ramped breaking procedure. By stopping roll gates in the soft way reduces noise and mechanical stress dramatically. Reducing noise eliminates troubles in urban areas with neighbors. Reducing the mechanical stress, increases life time and reduces maintenance. The integrated forward/reverse control circuit makes it extremely easy to control both directions without a locking circuit or external components.
Benefit/added value
    The soft-starter CHRISTIAN P-4.0 with all components integrated (by-pass relay, soft start and softs stop, forward/reverse control and blocking protection) is extremely small, only 22,5mm width, and can be controlled by simple digital outputs without any additional electric components. With our soft starter you save space, components, maintenance during operation and therefore costs.
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